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Hiya ppl its alana duffy ere fae trinity high in renfra well as yees know am in 2nd year n am 13 am the youngest oot of us aw :P well anyways a have brown hair way blonde highlights n a hav blue eyes  and am medium hight am quite small but owell! ma bes buds r kerry lauren ashleigh "n" sara  a luv yees aw  tae bits lol! well am single the noo n am intae ****** hes stunnin ! well anyways ma email addy is alana_no1_18@msn.com n ma otha sites r www.lauren-alana.freewebspace.com "n" www.xcfcx-alana-xcfcx.freewebspace.com  take a wee look at dem after u've had a look at oor site n ma wee hunni kerrys site ! 1 last bit bout me ma fave music is mostly rave n am mad bout celtic lol!! well a betta let yees go cya aw after xxXXmwahXXxx menba n sign oor g/book tah


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